
An introduction to Philosophy Coach

Exploring the Relationship Between Your Philosophy and Health


Here in the Philosophy Coach section of my website, we explore the influences which impact your health and wellbeing - viewed from four different perspectives - individual, therapeutic, collective, and existential.

The purpose of this endeavour is to reflect more deeply upon many of the things that we take for granted in life, and which we usually leave unquestioned.

Most types of coaching follow prescribed guidelines, and mainstream ideas about what health and wellbeing should include, and what it should be omitted. Whist this has any benefits, with regulation and standard setting being one of them, this approach does have some limitations, especially for people who work in the healing or spiritual professions.

This is primarily because mainstream healthcare stops short of exploring life on an existential level. So, for people who are dealing with any type of concern which could be put into the spiritual category, they are simply referred on to someone who works in these fields instead. There is is not usually any integration of these two worlds, despite them being strongly inter-related.

So, the purpose of this hub is to combine the worlds of deeper philosophical insights together with health and wellbeing. With the aim of bringing a no-nonsense approach to spirituality-based topics and their relationship to health.

Some topics that we can explore:

  • Mind-body connection and it's relationship to spirituality and health
  • The fundamental nature of thought, belief, emotion, wellbeing, and life
  • Impact of cultural norms, expectations, and beliefs upon health
  • How to navigate challenges and the world around you with more ease
  • The importance of spirituality for healing and optimum wellbeing
  • Contemplations on beliefs about health and therapies that we take for granted
  • How to live a good life, even in the face of personal suffering

Services for Integrating Wisdom and Wellbeing

Therapeutic philosophy coaching for optimum wellbeing

Currently I offer 1-1 online coaching sessions for all types of wellbeing service providers who want to explore the intersection of mind, spirituality, and health.

Whilst I do not affiliate myself with any particular religion or spiritual tradition, my leaning is towards Eastern philosophy, and exploring the nature of consciousness as being the primary foundation of life.  However, I work with people from any religious or spiritual backgrounds, so long as they hold respect for people who have different opinions to their own - for any aspect of life.

The people that I usually work with are usually already on a path of personal growth or spiritual awakening, and may have reached a sticking point that they are struggling to resolve. This might be a personal wellbeing issue - like dealing with exhaustion or heightened sensitivity. Or it may that you are going through a dark night of the soul, and questioning the purpose of life, or why bad things happen, or dealing with personal loss.  Some people want to get answers about the perceived conflict between mainstream and holistic health. Or to question a cultural issue which is causing suffering. Whilst others want to explore spiritual awakening, and learn how to integrate this into their daily life.

The purpose of these coaching sessions is not to acquire a strict belief system for yourself, nor to argue incessantly about which opinion or idea is right or wrong. I have no interest whatsoever in engaging in ego-driven arguments about life, as my goal is simply to support wellbeing through evolving awareness.

The purpose of coaching is to contemplate life together on a deeper level, and to support you whilst working through any issues which have come up on your individual journey. It's about the integration of new ways of being, and the lived embodiment of deeper insights into life.

So, if you are a heart-centred person who wants to improve your wellbeing through embodied wisdom, I invite you to book in for a consultation with me. You can go to the relevant pages by clicking these buttons below: