
Reflections on religion, divinity, meaning, and existence

Spiritual Perspectives for Holistic Health

Exploring the relationship between spirituality and health

Spirituality has a profound impact on health and wellbeing, influencing mental, emotional, and physical states. Those who engage in spiritual practices often report lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to improved overall mental and emotional health.

Having a regular practice within a spiritual or religious community can also provide a sense of purpose, meaning, and connection to something greater than oneself.  This in turn can enhance feelings of happiness and contentment.

Moreover, studies have shown that individuals with a strong spiritual foundation tend to exhibit better coping mechanisms when faced with challenging situations or illnesses. This suggests that spirituality plays a significant role in promoting resilience and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing. By cultivating spiritual beliefs and practices, individuals may experience a more holistic approach to self-care and find greater peace and fulfillment in their lives.

The problems associated with spiritual awakening

Many wellbeing service providers consider themselves to be on a path of spiritual awakening.  Some people approach this as if it is a form of recreation, but in reality it can be a tumultuous journey that often leads to confusion, suffering, and personal challenges.

Spiritual awakening is generally believed to involve a profound shift in consciousness that can disrupt established beliefs and ways of living, causing individuals to question their purpose and place in the world. This process of self-discovery can be unsettling as it forces individuals to confront aspects of themselves that they may have long ignored or suppressed.

Moreover, the newfound awareness and sensitivity that may come with the process of spiritual awakening can sometimes be overwhelming, leading to feelings of isolation or disconnect from others who may not understand or share the same experiences. So, whilst spiritual awakening can ultimately lead to a sense of greater peace with life, navigating through the uncertainties it brings can be a challenging experience.

There are many problems which are commonly encountered on this path. Perhaps the one most often seen is the confusion which abounds about what this process actually involves. Well-meaning people often get lost along the way - caught up in popular spiritual practices, communities, or belief systems, which in reality have no relevance to spiritual awakening at all.

It is not unusual for people to go through their whole life chasing one spiritual path, then moving to another, and another... Whilst there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, it can eventually leave the individual feeling drained, tired, and frustrated at their lack of spiritual progress. The problem here is getting caught up in a range of egoic stories, and never being able to move to the deeper level of understanding which lies beneath.

The myth of spirituality versus religion

Spirituality and religion, despite their perceived differences, share common ground in various aspects.

Both concepts revolve around the belief in a higher power or force that influences human existence and provides a sense of purpose and meaning to life. They both offer individuals a set of beliefs, values, and practices that guide their behaviour and shape their worldview. In addition, spirituality and religion often provide a sense of community and belonging through shared rituals, ceremonies, and gatherings.

Whilst spirituality is more personal and individualistic, focusing on inner growth and self-discovery, religion tends to be more structured with organised practices and doctrines. Ultimately, both spirituality and religion serve as pathways for individuals to connect with something greater than themselves and navigate the complexities of the human experience.

The path of spiritual growth does not lie in either spirituality or religion - it can easily include both. Every persons path is unique, and reflects their own life experience.  This is to be respected and honoured.

So, there is no right or wrong path, no higher or lower journey. Simply a unique pathway which will lead each person to their own individual truth and answers about life and existence.

Reflections on Spirituality

  • What is the purpose and meaning of life?
  • Is there life or experience after physical death?
  • Does spiritual awakening actually exist ?
  • Is spirituality different or the same as religion?
  • What is the purpose of evil?
  • Do human beings need God in order to exist?
  • Is one human life more valuable than another?
  • Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • Are some deaths acceptable whilst others are not?
  • What is the nature of reality?
  • Is there such a thing as a soul?

Embarking on the Journey of Self-Realization

How wisdom coaching can help you find the answers that you are seeking

Spiritual coaching is a transformative practice that can help guide you in your quest for deeper understanding and self-discovery. By delving into the realm of spirituality form a no-nonsense point of view, it can assist you in exploring existential questions and seeking profound insights about the deeper meaning of life.

Through introspective exercises, meditation techniques, and thoughtful discussions, spiritual coaching provides a safe space for reflection and personal growth. This process can help you connect with your inner experiences, tap into your intuition, and uncover the answers that you seek about the mysteries of life.

Perhaps most importantly, it can help you to let go of false ideas that you may be holding about spirituality, or to view them from a different perspective. By doing this, you will become more able to move to a path which feels more authentic for you, and to integrate this into your life in small incremental steps.

It will stop you from going round in circles, or inadvertently getting caught up in entertaining, but unhelpful ideas. Plus, it will allow you to explore any aspect of spirituality and awakening from an honest, open, and rational perspective.

So, whether you are grappling with your life purpose, searching for meaning, or simply looking to for deeper answers to difficult questions, spiritual coaching offers you a supportive and individualised path towards self-realization.

Daniella Saunders

MA Eastern & Western Philosophy
BA (Hons) Philosophy & Mind-Body Health

Over 35 years experience working in the NHS, private healthcare, and holistic health

Specialist in the mind-body connection

Advocate for embodied wisdom and optimum wellbeing

Coaching for Spiritual Awakening

Some of the topics we can explore:

Life after death

Nature of divinity

The problem of evil

Spirituality & religion

Moral dilemmas

The meaning of life


Reincarnation & the soul

Spiritual experiences